Nao Humanoid Robot C++ Libraries

This project contains the model of Nao humanoid robot. For given joint angles, one can derive the kinematics model of the robot (end-effector positions, center of mass). Furthermore, conbined with C++ optimizer, Ipopt, one can do the whole-body trajectory planning.

  • Creat ROS Workspace Please kindly follow the instructions in CreatRosWrokspace. The codes are under the path of robot_ws/src/NaoRobot/src.

  • Add dependencies The project depends on Eigen and Ipopt. Kindly make sure that in your ros workspace you can use Eigen. In this project, the eigen-3.4.0 is located at the path robot_ws/src/NaoRobot. For the Ipopt, please follow the installation instructions.

  • Codes implementation Please download all the code files to the path robot_ws/src/NaoRobot/src. The CMakeLists.txt should contain follows:

     add_executable(naoRobot src/Nao.cpp src/nao.cpp src/hs071_nlp.cpp)

    In VSCode terminal,

    source ./devel/setup.bash
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    rosrun NaoRobot naoRobot

    This code is to find an optimal robot posture where the center of mass is on the target. The goal CoM can be set in the Nao.cpp as

     com_goal[0] = 20.15;
     com_goal[1] = 13.4;

    The initial posture of the robot is

     q_init  << 0, -20, 0, 49, -29, 0, -20, 0, 49, -29, 0;

    After this, a list of joint angles (robot leg angels) will be displayed in the VScode terminal. To visualize the robot posture, one can input it to the Nao visualization MATLAB code.

    The initial pos and optimized pose of the robot are respectively

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  • Codes explanation The optimizaer is Ipopt. We have two hearder files hs071_nlp.hpp and nao.hpp, two source files hs071_nlp.cpp and nao.cpp, and one main file Nao.cpp.

    hs071_nlp.hpp is the optimizer hearder file. It declares the function and class of the optimization. The details is in Ipopt website. Some differences should be noticed.

    1. The Jacobian and Hessian matrix in our code are not provided mannually. They are computed by default finite difference in Ipopt. So the Hessian method in the class is not declared in the header file (being commented out).
    2. The optimization parameters and functions, such as target CoM, initial guess, cost function, constrain function are declared at the beginning of the header file as
      extern  Eigen::VectorXd  q_init;
      extern  double  com_goal[2];
      extern  Number  constrain[1];
      Number  opt_fun(const  Number*  x, NaoRobot&  nao, double*  com_goal);
      Number*  opt_constrain(Number*  constrain, const  Number*  x,NaoRobot& nao, const  Eigen::VectorXd  q_init); 

    hs071_nlp.cpp is the optimizer source file. It implements methods declared in the header file. Specificlly, eight pure virtual methods of the optimization must be implemented in this source file. Since we do not provide analytical Jacobian and Hessian for the cost function and constrains, we directly return true in the function eval_grad_f.

    nao.hpp declares the class of Nao humanoid robot and math function, such as rotation matrix. Two functions with template are also implemented in this source file. The Nao class contains the member of Nao robot dunamic model parameters and joint consrains, and also two methods of calculating forward kinematics and center of mass of Nao.

    nao.cpp implements the functions and class declared in the nao.hpp. The Eigen library is used here to store the parameters of the robot.

    Nao.cpp is the main function file. It first set the target CoM and initial posture of the humanoid robot. Then, calls the optimization functions in Ipopt. Since we do not provide the Jacobian and Hessian to the optimizer, we need to set

     app->Options()->SetStringValue("gradient_approximation", "finite-difference-values");
     app->Options()->SetStringValue("hessian_approximation", "limited-memory");
     app->Options()->SetStringValue("jacobian_approximation", "finite-difference-values");

    This can let Ipopt numerically calculate the Jacobian and Hessian.