Makes using Scriptable Objects as a fundamental part of your architecture in Unity super easy
- 1
just use aSceneReference then error
#171 opened by FirepadCN - 0
Is this package still maintained?
#169 opened by Fjellvang - 2
SetValue a int variable does not seam to work
#168 opened by Gamoyo - 1
[Feature Request] Remove 'seal' from XXXVariable to enable inheritance and add expression
#161 opened by abcjjy - 0
Enable Notifications for Changes to Collections
#167 opened by stevemcilwain - 0
Pass Parameters with events
#164 opened by traviscjohnson - 1
- 3
- 1
Custom types have to be serializable in order for their game events be debuggable in the editor
#150 opened by ahSOLO - 0
SetValue to null causes NullPointerException
#162 opened by Haytam95 - 0
Triggering event on custom variable changed
#160 opened by ReallyRad - 1
- 1
- 6
Discriminate event listeners on same object
#155 opened by ReallyRad - 4
Setting value for FloatVariable is causing GC allocations and slower execution
#154 opened by SharkWithLasers - 1
Stacktrace Window garbage collection
#152 opened by Gorrgonzola - 0
- 2
Incorporate Default Values for Variables?
#143 opened by psarras - 2
Value assignment via Editor script
#137 opened by SiarheiPilat - 1
Typed Events - HowTo
#136 opened by rosty6 - 0
AddListener to collections
#149 opened - 3
- 3
Game Event Listener doesn't work in play mode
#148 opened by nintendaii - 1
Arrays inspector display
#135 opened by sfraoua - 10
Cannot reproduce base tutorial
#132 opened by sebastienwood - 1
- 1
[Request] Code Generation needs namespace support
#128 opened by MaZyGer - 2
How to write event and listener with custom data?
#127 opened by varfare - 1
Icon are small in 2019.3
#124 opened by smkplus - 4
Why collection has check before Add?
#122 opened by xvnnnk - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
Support for AssetReference ?
#133 opened by Moret84 - 2
Icons rendering on GameObjects
#126 opened by seanxfitz - 1
Passing custom Type with event
#125 opened by JohnyBro - 1
Unloading broken assembly Library
#123 opened by smkplus - 3
Using range attribute
#121 opened by alexanderperrin - 2
How does ScriptableObject-Architecture compare to unity-atoms by Adam Ramberg ?
#120 opened by irmo322 - 1
Float/IntVariable clamped issue
#112 opened by MerlinHintze - 0
Implement editor which draws all fields without the need for custom editors
#110 opened by DanielEverland - 4
- 2
Question: How to use this architecture with multiple instances of same prefab
#118 opened by Spyrou42 - 2
Developer description update
#111 opened by DanielEverland - 1
Question - Need for Actions List in GameEvents?
#115 opened by shekit - 1
- 1
Bug - Incorrect copy/paste in GameEventBase
#113 opened by shekit - 0
Implement typed UnityEvent on variables
#109 opened by DanielEverland