
could not find function, 'norm.to.one'

Ci-TJ opened this issue · 1 comments

Ci-TJ commented

Hi! I just installed TED, but I couldn't find function, norm.to.one.

> install_github("Danko-Lab/TED/TED")
Downloading GitHub repo Danko-Lab/TED@HEAD
Error in utils::download.file(url, path, method = method, quiet = quiet,  :
  download from 'https://api.github.com/repos/Danko-Lab/TED/tarball/HEAD' failed
## I download the package from GitHub, and install it locally.
> TED::
TED::learn.embedding.withPhiTum  TED::learn.embedding.Kcls        TED::run.Ted                     TED::cleanup.genes               TED::estimate_sf                 TED::get.signature.genes         TED::convert.cell.fraction
> TED::norm.to.one
Error: 'norm.to.one' is not an exported object from 'namespace:TED'

> help(package="TED")

 Information on package ‘TED’


Package:       TED
Version:       1.1
Date:          2020-01-15
Title:         BayesPrism: A Fully Bayesian Inference of Tumor
               Microenvironment composition and gene expression.
               Formerly called TED (Tumor microEnvironment
Author:        Tinyi Chu<tc532@cornell.edu>, Charles G. Danko
Maintainer:    Tinyi Chu<tc532@cornell.edu>
Depends:       R (>= 2.6)
Imports:       DESeq2, parallel, MCMCpack, gplots, scran, BiocParallel
Description:   TED is comprised of the deconvolution modules and the
               embedding learning module. The deconvolution module
               leverages cell type-specific expression profiles from
               scRNA-seq and implements a fully Bayesian inference to
               jointly estimate the posterior distribution of cell type
               composition and cell type-specific gene expression from
               bulk RNA-seq expression of tumor samples. The embedding
               learning module uses Expectation-maximization (EM) to
               approximate the tumor expression using a linear
               combination of tumor pathways while conditional on the
               inferred expression and fraction of non-tumor cells
               estimated by the deconvolution module.
License:       GPL-2 | GPL-3
biocViews:     Sequencing, Analysis
LazyLoad:      yes
RoxygenNote:   6.0.1
RemoteType:    local
RemoteUrl:     /home/user_li/linqin_tmp/SourceCode/ENIGMA/TED.zip
Built:         R 4.0.3; ; 2021-12-26 11:38:32 UTC; unix


cleanup.genes           Utility function to remove highly expressed
                        outlier genes that are sensitive to batch
                        effects from ref.dat
learn.embedding.Kcls    TED Embedding learning module initialized by
                        hirarchial clustering on tumor expression
                        TED Embedding learning module with provided
                        tumor basis
norm.to.one             Utility function to prepare the input.phi
run.Ted                 Bayesian deconvolution module

tinyi commented