Unofficial implementation of the ImageNet, CIFAR 10 and SVHN Augmentation Policies learned by AutoAugment using pillow
Jupyter NotebookMIT
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How to train a model?
#34 opened by zzx528 - 0
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AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'SubPolicy.__init__.<locals>.<lambda>' when used in ptorch distributed learning
#32 opened by williamium3000 - 1
Can this code be used for VOC Object detection?
#26 opened by ma3252788 - 0
Train EfficientNet
#25 opened by tzm1003306213 - 1
Can this used for segmentation?
#24 opened by Bonsen - 8
ImageNet performance?
#7 opened by hszhao - 6
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[Bug] Missing random.choice in rotate
#28 opened by LXXXXR - 2
how to use
#21 opened by zymize - 1
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Pretrained imagenet models?
#18 opened by rtaori - 1
Following subpolicy is incorrect
#17 opened by emrahyigit - 1
best sub-policies?
#15 opened by zihaozhang9 - 2
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I tried your autoaugment policies to my image-classification learning(imagenet-pretrained fine tuning).
#13 opened by bemoregt - 1
Underfitting problem
#10 opened by Jayan-K-Duggal - 1
Custom AutoAugment
#9 opened by rahulvigneswaran - 1
missing one poilicy
#11 opened by xuyuan - 1
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#5 opened by grwhumphries - 1
Make dates in readme locale agnostic
#2 opened by impredicative - 0
Link in readme to your blog post
#3 opened by impredicative - 2
Expected performance
#1 opened by karandwivedi42