
Unity shaders made for various purposes, written in Cg/HLSL.

Primary LanguageGLSLMIT LicenseMIT


Unity shaders made for various purposes, written in Cg/HLSL. This is basically my collection of shaders that I'm making as I go along my journey of learning about the amazing world of shaders. There will be more and more shaders added to this over time. If these shaders help someone learn something, or help someone in any other way, great. Go ahead and use them for whatever purpose you see fit.

  • UV Visualizer - Displays the UV mapping of a mesh as colors, allowing you to view the UV coordinates within the Unity Editor.

  • Color Changer - Debugging shader that can be used to change the color scheme of textures on your 3D models from within the Unity Editor.

  • Unlit Ambient Occlusion - Simple unlit shader that supports Ambient Occlusions maps.

  • DissolveNoClip - Dissolve effect implemented using only transparency. No clip/discard.

  • Color Grid - A programmable color grid implemented in a fragment shader. The color grid executes instructions to perform operations.