

Primary LanguageC


This program is used for autonomous navigation of the mobile robot.


InputFile : test1.txt (MAP for the autonomous navigation indicated by plane cordinate (X,Y). Made from measurement(https://github.com/shutokawabata0723/GPS) or GoogleMap(https://github.com/shutokawabata0723/Convert-GoogleMap-into-database)

MainProgram : navigation.c (Execute the autonomous navigation)

SubProgram : DGPS.c (Calculate the position of the mobile robot and convert the postioning data into plane cordinate)

OutputFile : test2.text (Trajectory of the autonomous navigation)


https://github.com/shutokawabata0723/Autonomous-Navigation-System/blob/master/autonomous.pdf released March 2017


  1. Prepare the mobile robot and the DGPS (USB Cable, Power, PC)

  2. Compile and execute DGPS.c

  3. Complie and execute navigation.c


  1. The mobile robot achives the autonomous navigation by approaching the targets(waypoints) from start to the goal

  2. The robot mainly calculates its position by encoder connected to right and left wheels.

  3. If the distance between the robot and the target is less than 0.5m, change target to next waypoint.

  4. In order to modify the positioning error caused by wheel slippage, we use DGPS(Differential Global Positioning System).

  5. The DGPS's positioning data is shared with MainProgram(navigation.c) by share memory.

  6. Hemisphere A101 is used as the DGPS (https://hemispheregnss.com/Products/Products/Position/a101e284a2-smart-antenna-758)


CopyRight (c) 2018 Shuto Kawabata

Released under the MIT licence



Shuto Kawabata