- alexhock
- AllensmileShang hai
- bigsnarfdudeCanada
- btparker@bodylabs
- callofdutyopsBytedance
- camberbridgeBroadcast station
- cedrickcheeInvictusByte
- chensiqinShanghaiTech
- dalamar66Consultant
- dbusbridgeApple
- ewenger
- fly51flyPRIS
- FreakTheMightyLos Angeles, CA
- gengxiaohuan
- gilmarPet Circle
- indiejosephSoft Butter Studio
- jimdallas
- jimflemingFomoro
- jjrob13United States
- jonasbuckner
- kleinma@path-robotics, @biorobots
- michalwolsNew York
- mikkel255labs
- nebw@BioroboticsLab
- oarriagaUniversity of Bremen, DFKI
- ofirbb
- opikalo
- ProGamerGovMultiverse
- r8kSydney, Australia
- shovon@telemetrytv
- swshukla
- tensortalkYou're on!
- tfolkmanHead of AI at Branded Entertainment Network
- themadarchitectDefault Software LLC
- veinpy
- wookayinUniversity of Michigan