A synchronized rgbd video recorder based on ROS


  1. Plug in your rgbd camera and open it with command:

For Xtion: roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch

For Astra: roslaunch astra_launch astra.launch

You may modify launch files above to make sure they set params like this (Default value for these args are false):

 <!-- Hardware depth registration -->
 <arg name="depth_registration" default="true" />

 <!-- Driver parameters -->
 <arg name="color_depth_synchronization" default="true" />

Notice that these values can also be changed using dynamic reconfigure (rqt)

  1. Run the recorder with command:

roslaunch rgbd_recorder_ros recorder.launch

Before you run this, make sure the 'path' is set correctly, in where the captured videos are stored.

  1. Use ros_param "/video_num" to get new videos:

rosparam set /video_num VALUE

where VALUE need to be given by user, which starts with 1. After one video was recorded, it's recommanded increasing the VALUE by 1