- 2
conda list ucsc-twobittofa
#308 opened by YasaminRaziee - 0
- 8
pipeline fails trying to connect to
#256 opened by GodloveD - 1
Can chip-seq-pipeline2 run locally without internet?
#306 opened by cyz0315 - 1
signal track height is higher for input control
#297 opened by jamesaliba - 0
Datasets for TF-target genes
#305 opened by yiqisu - 0
pipeline stuck in call-macs2_signal_track_pooled
#302 opened by cmf1997 - 2
Error in Alignment process : Call input and runtime attributes evaluation failed for align: Failed to evaluate input 'tmp_fastqs' (reason 1 of 1): transpose requires all collections have the same size
#290 opened by cafri1105 - 2
missing slurm qos parameter
#300 opened by giardine - 1
how to create pseudo-replicate files
#299 opened by songxh1996 - 0
How do you resume ?
#301 opened by olechnwin - 10
The pipeline stops at Job chip.read_genome_tsv
#295 opened by peculiar97 - 2
Does the calculation of sval in take into account the difference between single-end and paired-end data?
#298 opened by ezioljj - 0
no motif output
#296 opened by jamesaliba - 1
Fixed peak size
#294 opened by kbattenb - 3
”caper init local“ error
#293 opened by songxh1996 - 3
Are adapter-trimmed FASTQs required?
#283 opened by benayang - 1
- 2
- 2
Problem about
#279 opened by Mozillian1 - 4
No peak call output from "TF" pipeline
#289 opened by jsemple19 - 2
- 3
- 1
Terra output missing metadata.json
#278 opened by elisadonnard - 3
HELP: call-xcor fails with TEST command
#284 opened by yinyeya - 0
Where are the peak files from MACS2 output stored?
#280 opened by gene-drive - 3
Pipeline stalls before IDR steps
#276 opened by gene-drive - 0
can this wdl pipeline be run with cromwell engine?
#277 opened by gudeqing - 1
Advice on output folders/files
#273 opened by gene-drive - 6
Issue with running tf file
#272 opened by shirleytemples - 1
|ERROR| Failed to parse WDL with miniwdl, |ERROR| Conda environment name not found in WDL metadata
#271 opened by shirleytemples - 12
Run gives error
#266 opened by shirleytemples - 3
Unable to run caper on windows
#258 opened by silentsilencee - 2
parrallel proccessing with spp
#268 opened by louisgevirtzman - 6
TEST run gave an error. Please help!
#265 opened by yingsun-ucsd - 5
- 4
call-xcor fails before peak calling
#261 opened by wx2022 - 5
- 0
A question about the use of fragment length estimated from cross-correlation analysis.
#260 opened by yr-gh - 8
caper.caper_workflow_opts|INFO| Conda environment name not found in WDL metadata. wdl=/net/waterston/vol2/home/gevirl/chip-seq-pipeline2-2.1.2/chip.wdl
#257 opened by louisgevirtzman - 4
bedClip: command not found,Fail to run chip.call_peak workflow when test example
#250 opened by ckfromCN - 3
- 1 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#254 opened by tyewaichung - 0
Job chip.spp_pooled:NA:1 exited with return code 1
#249 opened by jkanbar - 5
- 3
Failed to evaluate input error when running pipeline
#238 opened by kmualim - 2
Example Chip-seq JSON not working
#240 opened by grevetjd - 3
Can I run chip-seq-pipeline without input files?
#236 opened by Reemann - 0
inquiry about reproducibility results
#237 opened by monnneee - 3
Example JSON not working
#235 opened by lcamillo