- 4
Problems installing BamM
#56 opened by lucaspompeun - 2
libcfu :: compilation error
#58 opened by EricDeveaud - 1
bamm filter
#57 opened by liaohu1231 - 2
- 0
bamm extract: bamm-specific header prefixes are not compatible with downstream analyses tools
#49 opened by jvollme - 1
- 1
Links summary
#51 opened by caonetto - 28
Testing BamM using nosetests
#16 opened by rdl88 - 2
Bamm available as conda package
#50 opened by mdehollander - 8
libcfu/lib not included in code
#39 opened by osvatic - 0
v1.7.3 build specifications
#48 opened by manifestoso - 10
nosetests failed
#34 opened by blancaverag - 4
More information about your docker file
#47 opened by lfaller - 3
- 8
An error when installing BamM
#44 opened by minsookim1983 - 0
- 0
- 3
Only mapped reads stored in bam file
#32 opened by mdehollander - 7
Installing on CentOS6.6
#21 opened by linsalrob - 4
libtool required for install
#29 opened by chuckpr - 7
BamM v1.5.0 - failed nosetests - missing filtered bam files - Also python library bug from 1.5.0 and 1.4.1
#27 opened by AlexRBaker - 5
Installing on Ubuntu 14.04
#20 opened by linsalrob - 3
- 3
BamM make keeps printing the help message
#24 opened by mdehollander - 11
nosetests fails
#18 opened by nr0cinu - 26
BamM installation
#17 opened by tvishniv - 1
- 1
Possible string concatenation rather than int additon in bamm make version 1.1.1
#15 opened by Askars - 1
bamm make -m flag no workee
#11 opened by wwood - 1
- 2
- 1
- 1