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ConstrastEQ is a VHDL module of a contrast equalizer to be implemented on FPGAs. A contrast equalizer is a module that maximizes contrast in images by taking the minimum and maximum pixel values and making them 0 and 255 respectively, scaling all other pixels' values accordingly.


This project was made as an assignment of Logic Networks' course (2020/2021), and consisted in the design and implementation of a module in VHDL language starting from a specification in natural language of its behaviour. The following is a finite state machine schema, describing the behavior of the module:

Immagine 2022-08-03 154824

A detailed explanation of how the module works and how it was tested is in the doc folder, in Report_reti_logiche.pdf. Unfortunately the report had to be written in italian, we suggest the use of automatic translation tools.


How to use

The file retilogiche.vhd in the code folder has to be opened by the software Xilinx Vivado or similar softwares and has to be synthetized on a FPGA. For our tests, we used a simulated xc7a200tfbg484-1 FPGA.


  • In the code folder there is the code written in VHDL language of the implemented module and two testbench.
  • The documentation (in italian) of the project is in the doc folder.
  • In the spec folder there are the specifications and project rules provided by the teachers (in italian).

🛠 Skills

VHDL language. Usage of Xilinx Vivado software, testing and benchmarking of the final module.

🔗 Links

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