
An algorithm, developed in Verilog hardware design language (HDL), that encrypts a text input into binary, then decrypts it back, using logic gates and public/private keys. This system was developed as a Logical Systems subject exercise (UFMG).

Primary LanguageSystemVerilog

Binary to Text Encryption/Decryption Module

This model demonstrates the basic encryption of data using various keys and methods and then finally decrypting the data back to the original data.


  • Initially we take a text input and convert it into binary format using 4 bit encoder.
  • Then this input is negated by passing through NOT logic gates.
  • This input is passed through binary to text converter.
  • This input is further passed to a private key generator which generates a private key using inputs.
  • The previous input is XOR with private key, this is the first encryption layer.
  • Then the input is passed through XOR operations with public key, second encryption layer.
  • Final encrypted input is now generated and further passed to decryption model with private key.
  • On decryption side the input is made with XOR operations using public key.
  • Then this input is passed through XOR operations with private key.
  • The previous output generated is passed to text to binary converter.
  • Then this is negated by passing through NOT logic gates.
  • This data is passed through 4 bit decoder to get back the final text decoded value.