A wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply adapter and quality trimming to FastQ files, with extra functionality for RRBS data
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Parallel processing of paired-end fastq files
#195 opened by PramodRaoB - 9
#196 opened by orangeSi - 2
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question about trimming
#192 opened by hidvegin - 3
Queries regarding TrimGalore
#191 opened by unikill066 - 9
trimming multiple adapters from both reads
#164 opened by mjbug - 3
Trim Galore frozen at adapter trimming step
#190 opened by faye-romero - 6
Does TrimGalore do soft clipping by default?
#189 opened by tarunaaggarwal - 1
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Trimgalore seems to detect only a very low % of reads in the files that had adapters to trim (<40% of the reads)
#187 opened by dthirupp - 1
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Trim galore config for pacbio data
#185 opened by YutongLei2020 - 0
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trimmed and val
#160 opened by DWY1a - 1
Change processing strategy for `--clock` option
#183 opened by FelixKrueger - 3
(new) problem with output having reads that don't have a mate in R1 and R2 files.
#143 opened by bmillerlab - 4
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#182 opened by zhangqc723 - 2
TrimGalore calls pigz when not required
#181 opened by kaushikr3 - 3
High PolyA content in R2 reads after trimming.
#180 opened by AmrSaadeldin - 1
problems installing via conda/mamba
#179 opened by mawa86 - 3
Trim galore gets stuck on quality and adapter trimming
#178 opened by aman-akash - 2
Please provide an even number of input files for paired-end FastQ trimming! Aborting ..
#176 opened by shaghayeghsoudi - 4
Trimming for xGen™ Methyl-Seq DNA Library Prep Kit
#174 opened by abearab - 1
TrimGalore Citation
#175 opened by Leo-ccc - 4
Validation fails when FASTA files used as input
#173 opened by vkkodali - 2
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#171 opened by eneubauer29 - 5
RRBS data trimming-CGA problem
#170 opened by MilosCRF - 2
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Add trimmed sequences to fastq header?
#166 opened by js72587 - 4
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--paired end specifications
#163 opened by mjbug - 1
Question about default quality filtering
#159 opened by aepstein96 - 3
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xb5' in position 2492: ordinal not in range(128)
#158 opened by anoopsanal - 5
Trimming .gz files
#157 opened by samhimes92 - 4
Use of uninitialized value $decompression_path in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sli1/miniconda3/envs/atac3/bin/trim_galore line 2671.
#155 opened by shl129 - 6
trimgalore and cutadapt in two steps?
#147 opened by marwa38 - 3
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cutadapt: error: unrecognized arguments: -f P2_A01_M_0001.fastq Cutadapt terminated with exit signal: '512'.
#141 opened by sevmurdock - 5
Can anyone explain Why in default mode -- paired --retain_unpaired only read2 read are retain and not read1
#142 opened by veeramv - 3
Segmentation fault when disk space is low
#140 opened by pinin4fjords - 1
Run TrimGalore on a FASTA input
#139 opened by vkkodali - 1
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`--max_n` value as a fraction
#137 opened by bounlu