
已迁移至 https://github.com/FusionEye/3d-reconstruction

Primary LanguagePython



Use pcd file with panoramic image to colorize the point cloud to realistic 3D rendering.

you will need:

  • a panoramic photo
  • a pointcloud file
  • relating point cloud (x,y,z) positions
  • correlating pixel position (x,y) in the same scene


  1. Picking (x,y,z) from point cloud:

    pcl_viewer xxx.pcd -use_point_picking

    shift + 鼠标左键点击可以获取点云坐标

  2. Picking relative image pixel (x,y) from image file:

    use a gimp or equivalent image software

  3. Prepare source data folder:

    • 图像坐标和点云坐标文件: input/imageAndPcd.txt
    • 图像文件: input/image.JPG
    • 点云文件夹: input/pointCloud
  4. Run coloring command:

    python fusioneye.py color_pcd

  5. Output colorful pcd file:

    输出有色点云: output/colourfulPointCloud.pcd