
AttributeError: `ConfigDict` object has no attribute `weights_dir`

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Thanks for your great work!When I try to run CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 train.py --config ./config/openad_pn2/full_shape_cfg.py --work_dir ./log/openad_pn2/OPENAD_PN2_FULL_SHAPE_Release/ --gpu 0,an error occured,so I replace full_shape_cfg.py with full_shape_open_vocab_cfg.py,it worked,is it OK to do so?

I noticed that the difference between the two files is about weights_dir.

Thanks for your great work!When I try to run CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 train.py --config ./config/openad_pn2/full_shape_cfg.py --work_dir ./log/openad_pn2/OPENAD_PN2_FULL_SHAPE_Release/ --gpu 0,an error occured,so I replace full_shape_cfg.py with full_shape_open_vocab_cfg.py,it worked,is it OK to do so?

Thank you very much for your interest in our work!
The full_shape_open_vocab_cfg.py files should be used for zero-shot testing. We forgot to specify the weights_dir in some configuration files. We have updated them. We hope that the code will run properly now.