GT4SD, an open-source library to accelerate hypothesis generation in the scientific discovery process.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- afoncubiertaIBM Research
- agovindj
- avaucherGoogle
- balloch
- belkhir-nacim@mirai
- C-nit@IBM Research
- ce107
- clederOomnitza
- Curioni
- daenuprobstWageningen University
- dbuturu
- dolfim-ibmIBM Research
- federicozipoli
- fly51flyPRIS
- fuchiwakiJSR
- hoffmanscIBM Research
- iilyak
- josejimenezluna@MicrosoftResearch
- jrs021
- kaoutar55IBM
- krook@cncf
- kwehden@ibm
- liuzhenqi77@netneurolab
- mehmetaliyucel
- NinaWie
- O-SchilterEPFL
- polat-c
- rizaozcelikEindhoven University of Technology
- sandipgiri576IIT Kharagpur
- tagirshinStrasbourg
- thisisanshguptaIndia
- ulamacaMPI-IS Tuebingen, Germany
- wagnersjIBM
- weeoooweeooo
- ysterbal
- yvesnanaIBM Research and TU/e