
Getting active/inactive and major/minor promoters when no condition is specified

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I am trying to find active and inactive promoters and also major and minor promoters across a brain cancer dataset. I only need to retrieve the promoters for this dataset. No specific condition is provided for alternative promoter usage. In the original Cell paper 2019, it seems that you can identify the active, inactive, major, and minor promoters for two pan-cancer datasets and one normal dataset (Fig 1). I can read the methodology in the section 'Identification of Active Promoters in 18,468 RNA-Seq Samples' of Results. However, I was thinking if this methodology is already embedded in any function or any slot of the data. I am running proActiv v 1.2.0 and I have already found the promoters in my data using the proActiv function without condition.

Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you very much.

Hi @elenichri,

Sorry for the delay - Let me get back to you in awhile.
