
used for 10x data

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Dear Dr. I found a ppt from you in 2021 BioC. You display the proActiv applying in smart-seq2 data. Any suggestion to deal with smart-seq2 data? In addition, I want to use your package in 10x. I used the pseudo bulk. However, even if I relex the threshold , it still cannot detect any alternative promoter? Any suggestion? Thank you very much!

Here, how do you did the preprocessing (i.e. filtering)? Thank you!

Hi @houruiyan

For filtering we adopted a standard approach:

  • Filtered out cells expressing less than a certain number of genes
  • Filtered out genes expressed in less than a certain number of cells

You can try to tweak these thresholds and see how it affects the results.

We've only tried proActiv on full-length single cell sequencing protocols (like SMART-seq). We surmise it might be difficult to get results from 10X 3' data as there are fewer junction reads toward the 5' end.