
A workflow designed to clean fastq files for the SEACONNECT project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Snakemake https://www.singularity-hub.org/static/img/hosted-singularity--hub-%23e32929.svg MIT license

A workflow designed to clean SINGLE-END fastq files for the SEACONNECT project



Singularity containers

Install Singularity

See https://www.sylabs.io/docs/ for instructions to install Singularity.


Following programs are installed into our container:

  • fastq_illumina_filter keeps reads that were NOT filtered by illumina sequencer.
  • fastp provides fast all-in-one preprocessing for fastq files.
  • bbduk filters or trims reads for adapters and contaminants using k-mers.

Download (or build) the container

singularity pull --name cleanfastq.simg shub://Grelot/clean-fastq:cleanfastq

alternatively, if you are administrator on your machine, you can build a local image:

sudo singularity build cleanfastq.simg Singularity.cleanfastq

Run the Obitools container

singularity run cleanfastq.simg

it should output:

Opening container...ubuntu xenial: fastq_illumina_filter, bbduck, fastp


Before running the pipeline with snakemake, you have to set a config file

  • threads_by_job number of cores used to process a single fastq file
  • fastqFolderPath an absolute path of the folder containing fastq files
  • fastqFiles a list of PREFIX .fastq.gz file name inside the folder that you want to process
  • container name of the singularity image file
  • fastp custom parameters for fastp command (see section The pipeline - Quality filtering for details)

The pipeline

Filter illumina fastq

Illumina sequencers perform an internal quality filtering procedure called chastity filter, and reads that pass this filter are called PF for pass-filter. According to Illumina, chastity is defined as the ratio of the brightest base intensity divided by the sum of the brightest and second brightest base intensities. Clusters of reads pass the filter if no more than 1 base call has a chastity value below 0.6 in the first 25 cycles. This filtration process removes the least reliable clusters from the image analysis results. We used fastq_illumina_filter to remove reads which failed to pass the chastity filter.

Remove adapters and contaminants

  • The viral genome of phiX is used as a control in Illumina sequencing. While the viral libraries do not have MIDs on them, some phiX reads always creep through, possibly because the clusters “borrow” the signals from closely surrounding clusters that do. We removed these phiX reads.

  • Adapter sequences should be removed from reads because they interfere with downstream analyses, such as alignment of reads to a reference. The adapters contain the sequencing primer binding sites, the index sequences, and the sites that allow library fragments to attach to the flow cell lawn. We trimmed Illumina Truseq and Nextera adapters sequences from reads sequence.

Quality filtering

We proceed base trimming and read discarding based on quality phred score information provided by fastq files with the program fastp.

Modify the fastp section of the config file to change default parameters

  n_base_limit: 0
  qualified_quality_phred: 18
  unqualified_percent_limit: 40
  length_required: 76
  cut_tail_window_size: 4
  cut_tail_mean_quality: 18
  poly_g_min_len: 10

IUPAC ambiguous base calling removal

We removed reads with more than 0 N bases

n_base_limit: 0

Quality trimming

In the context of sequencing, Phred-scaled quality scores are used to represent how confident we are in the assignment of each base call by the sequencer. The Phred quality score (Q) is logarithmically related to the error probability (E).

Q = -10 \log E

Here is a table of how to interpret a range of Phred Quality Scores.

Phred Quality Score Error Accuracy (1 - Error)
10 10% 90%
20 1% 99%
30 0.1% 99.9%
40 0.01% 99.99%
  • We filtered bases with Phred Quality Score under 18 and we discard a reads when at least 40% of these bases have a Phred Quality Score under 18.
  • We trimmed from 3' tail of the reads windows of 4 bases with mean Phred Quality Score below 18.
qualified_quality_phred: 18
unqualified_percent_limit: 40
cut_tail_window_size: 4
cut_tail_mean_quality: 18

polyG tail trimming

We trimmed 3' tail polyG sequences with a length greater than 10 bases from reads sequence.

poly_g_min_len: 10

Length filtering

We removed trimmed reads with a length below 76 bases.

length_required: 76

Running the pipeline

To do a test on tiny data

snakemake -s Snakefile -j 8 --use-singularity --configfile 01-infos/tiny_config.yaml

Run the pipeline on diplodus Sargus fastq raw data

snakemake -s Snakefile -j 8 --use-singularity --configfile 01-infos/diplodus_rawdata_config.yaml

Run the pipeline on mullus Surmuletus fastq raw data

snakemake -s Snakefile -j 8 --use-singularity --configfile 01-infos/mullus_rawdata_config.yaml