Improved browsing of qc-cv.obo
Closed this issue · 8 comments
Please see #122
Documentation is now in my repositories CI, deployed to
The formatting looks good, but is lacking the navigationability.
I found what I remembered:
which is created by the OpenMS CVinspector in, unfortunately it requires a mapping file to work. A dummy mapping that allows the root term would work for the output. Yours, Steffen
This might also be a relevant tool:
We'd need to convert the OBO to OWL format, but those are mostly interchangeable. And the resulting interactive view looks pretty decent.
Ideally we should set something up with GitHub Actions to automatically generate an interactive webpage on all CV updates.
PSI-MS obo was one of my first use-cases for this, so yes, it should work. You just need to replace (or add) a line with the url for the psi-ms obo file. Here is a version from some time ago:
As we are merging into PSI-MS-CV, it will be possible to easily navigate the QC terms in their own branch using OLS (and other tools that already index the PSI-MS-CV).