This is the implementation of on Google Colab. The paper "Deep Hough Transform for Semantic Line Detection" (ECCV 2020, PAMI 2021).
Testing of pre-trained model on Google Colab
Training on NKL Dataset on Google Colab
Training on SEL Dataset on Google Colab
> Testing of pre-trained model on Google Colab
> Training on NKL Dataset on Google Colab
> Training on SEL Dataset on Google Colab
Testing of pre-trained model on Google Colab
Click on the following link.
>>>>> Change runtime type
Training on NKL Dataset on Google Colab
Click on the following link.
>>>>> Change runtime type
Training on SEL Dataset on Google Colab
Click on the following link.
>>>>> Change runtime type
>>>>> Run Only The First Cell
>>>>> Open the configuration file (config.yaml) in the File section. Note that here we have to do some changes in the configuration file to configure the right paths.
>>>>> Comment-out line no 2-7 and uncomment line no 8-13
>>>>> Run After in the Runtime Tab