An integrated power, area, and timing modeling framework for multicore and manycore architectures
- afurfaro
- albertghtounLos Angeles
- deyshinSeed Development
- dhanna11
- dioxygenHUST
- donggyukim@ucb-bar
- Dragonslair5Unicamp LSC
- dylanstowUCSB
- hustzxdAMD
- inciafCarnegie Mellon University
- IronySuzumiyahust
- jgonzalezrLima, PE
- jimmysituZHAOXIN, JMST
- kaul84United Kingdom
- kevinnguyenaiViet Nam
- kkininghSan Francisco, CA
- lappasj
- leandromgr
- mattkappel
- Mine02C4Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- nellie-wugoogle
- pridolfiBarcelona
- rjchee
- sixshotx
- SongXinkai
- sosarkarMunich, Germany
- sruthikesh-MUnvidia.com
- stanso
- sweetwenwenPeking University
- thisiswhereitype@equiwatt
- tkimvaFremont CA
- tsgts
- ValentinoPelusoPolitecnico di Torino
- wangjc1996Institute of Parallel and Distributed System
- weixuel523
- x-y-zNVIDIA