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Source code for examples in Book "Robust Adaptive Dynamic Programming"
time-varying formation control of UAVs
Simulation code for “A Framework of Robust Transmission Design for IRS-Aided MISO Communications With Imperfect Cascaded Channels,” by G. Zhou, C. Pan, et al, IEEE TSP, vol. 68, pp. 5092-5106, 2020.
This code is for the paper Z. Wang, L. Liu, and S. Cui, "Channel estimation for intelligent reflecting surface assisted multiuser communications: framework, algorithms, and analysis," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 6607-6620, Oct. 2020.
This book offers a theoretical and computational presentation of a variety of linear programming algorithms and methods with an emphasis on the revised simplex method and its components. A theoretical background and mathematical formulation is included for each algorithm as well as comprehensive numerical examples and corresponding MATLAB® code. The MATLAB® implementations presented in this book are sophisticated and allow users to find solutions to large-scale benchmark linear programs. Each algorithm is followed by a computational study on benchmark problems that analyze the computational behavior of the presented algorithms. As a solid companion to existing algorithmic-specific literature, this book will be useful to researchers, scientists, mathematical programmers, and students with a basic knowledge of linear algebra and calculus. The clear presentation enables the reader to understand and utilize all components of simplex-type methods, such as presolve techniques, scaling techniques, pivoting rules, basis update methods, and sensitivity analysis.
Cooperative Attack Algorithm for UAVs is focusing on the cooperative attack problem of UAV swarm system with flight time and attack angle constraints. It includes an efficient attack framework for real-time planning and control of drones.
Multi-RIS-aided Wireless Systems: Statistical Characterization and Performance Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Sep. 2021.
J. Berberich, J. Köhler, M. A. Müller and F. Allgöwer, "Data-Driven Model Predictive Control With Stability and Robustness Guarantees," in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 1702-1717, April 2021, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2020.3000182.
Matlab Simulation Code for "Robust group sparse beamforming for multicast green Cloud-RAN with imperfect CSI", by Y. Shi, J. Zhang, and K. B. Letaief, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 63, no. 17, pp. 4647-4659, Sept. 2015.
Implement SLS MPC for linear systems subject to polytopic model uncertainty and additive disturbances.
Multi-sensor data fusion based on Kalman filter for state estimation of a robotic end-effector
DNN assisted Kalman filter for time domain speech enhancement
This folder contains the codes and data used for papers: Shi, Yuanyuan, Bolun Xu, Yushi Tan, Daniel Kirschen, and Baosen Zhang. "Optimal Battery Control Under Cycle Aging Mechanisms in Pay for Performance Settings." IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Matlab codes for comparing delayed Kalman filters, with application to the state estimation of a UAV.
This repository includes different versions of the prescribed-time controller as Simulink blocks and MATLAB script codes for engineering applications.
This simulation file demonstrates a variant of Robust Tube MPC in which the initial nominal state is a decision variable. Theoretical background can be found at "Mayne, David Q., María M. Seron, and S. V. Raković. "Robust model predictive control of constrained linear systems with bounded disturbances." Automatica 41.2 (2005): 219-224."
Combined_ILC-MPC for constrained unknown systems
Analysis code to generate figures and artifacts presented in Chapman, et al., “Risk-sensitive safety analysis using Conditional Value-at-Risk,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, January 2021.
Learning-based robust sampled-data control for uncertain systems.
This repository includes simulation codes that are used for the Automatica paper "State estimation using a network of distributed observers with unknown inputs".
Supplementary materials for the paper: "Lagrangian methods for approximating the viability kernel in high-dimensional systems" by John Maidens, Shahab Kaynama, Ian M. Mitchell, Meeko M. K. Oishi, and Guy A. Dumont
Designing a Testbed to Assess Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems
IEEE TIFS Paper Codes