
This contain a drone simulated in V-REP (CoppeliaSim)



This contain a drone simulated in V-REP (CoppeliaSim) which follow a path. It tells about a basic way to creat autonomus drone simulation in V-REP softare.

See Quadcopter simulation explained.doc to understand more

helpful links :

          :https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjzuoBhdtaXOoqkJUqhYQletLLnJP8vjZ ( understand basic V-REP first 20 videos).

          :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6-qrxsaChg&list=PLjzuoBhdtaXOoqkJUqhYQletLLnJP8vjZ&index=29&t=0s( creating path).
          :file:///C:/Program%20Files/CoppeliaRobotics/CoppeliaSimEdu/helpFiles/en/regularApi/simFollowPath.htm (how to make object follow path).

Check out My Course On "Robotics With V-REP / CoppeliaSim": Course link

contact: email id: vermahrithik10@gmail.com direct message me at instagram:https://www.instagram.com/hrithik.verma.100/?hl=en