- 2
#19 opened by boss123asd - 1
Data set issues
#21 opened by jianGao555 - 7
Some questions about the dataset
#15 opened by engqing - 12
Dataset download issue
#6 opened by rhtm02 - 1
- 1
Evaluation Code
#7 opened by Emanuele97x - 1
could training batch size=1 be changed?
#16 opened by doldolOuO - 0
Could you offer the pretrained models?
#18 opened by SeaBird-Go - 2
#17 opened by BlueSeaHome - 2
How do you process ViPC dataset and how long does it takes when training on PCN?
#10 opened by hangyi2000 - 4
Meaning of parameters in rendering/camera_calibration.txt file for each shape
#11 opened by morsingher - 6
code cann't run directly.
#12 opened by doldolOuO - 0
Could you please tell me the detail of how to used ViPC dataset to train PCN model?
#14 opened by BlueSeaHome - 2
- 1
Questions about the metric
#5 opened by czvvd - 2
- 6
- 3
- 1
I cannot download the dataset from beidu
#1 opened by Emanuele97x - 2
About experimental metrics
#3 opened by laodouza - 2
How can I pass from 3500 points of the pointclouds provided in your dataset to the 2048 used in the paper?
#4 opened by Emanuele97x