Update Flask to v3.0.0

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Recently ran across this when doing a docker build on some code changes. Despite my Flask version being v2.1.0, pip installed Werkzeug 3.0.0, which removes some deprecated functions, and temporarily broke my local dockerized area.

Flask has also updated to v3.0.0 (documentation here -> https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/3.0.x/changes/#version-3-0-0). I am building and running this on my local docker instance as a test of sorts, but eventually when things are calmer, it may be good to upgrade the servers to utilize tis too.

Can you detail where all this is still used? I thought the Flask dependency went away with the removal of Vue.js

For sure. I just meant the Flask dependency was added (afaik) when Vue was added to handle the API requests. I didn't know if that was removed when the front end Vue bits were removed.

Been using Flask 3.0.0 for tasks for a while now and have encountered no issues with it

This is being used in v2