
This code is an implementation of our work "Lidar Road-Atlas: An Efficient Map Representation for General 3d Urban Environment", which is published at Journal of Field Robotics

Primary LanguageC++

This code is an implementation of our work "Lidar Road-Atlas: An Efficient Map Representation for General 3d Urban Environment", published at Journal of Field Robotics, 2023. [Reference]: Banghe Wu, Chengzhong Xu, and Hui Kong, Lidar Road-Atlas: An Efficient Map Representation for General 3d Urban Environment, Journal of Field Robotics, 2023

Road-Atlas 相关代码

  • RoadAtlas-ros: 建图程序本体,ROS版本
    • chunkmap: 基础地图表示库
    • chunkmap_msg: 地图库交互消息格式定义
    • chunkmap_rviz: 地图库的rviz显示插件
    • LidarAtlas: 建图程序本体
      • ground_detect: 局部地图生成
      • map_builder: 地图构建
      • lidarRoadDetect: 单帧可通行区域检测
    • LeGO-LOAM: 已适配的LeGO-LOAM,(iris回环, 实验标准版本)
    • SC-LeGO-LOAM-gd: 已适配的LeGO-LOAM,(scancontext回环, 代码干净一点)
  • gd-noros: 建图程序,无ROS的版本
  • common-localization-framework: 新的定位程序,写了个简单的框架。只实现图像的定位算法,雷达的移植过去没测试。
  • gd-localization: 旧的定位程序,代码未清理。
  • magnum-chunkmap-viz: chunkmap地图查看器



对于全部程序: OpenCV, PCL, Eigen, msgpack

  • RoadAtlas-ros: ROS, yaml-cpp
  • common-localization-framework: fmt, range-v3
  • magnum: OpenGL, SDL2



  • RoadAtlas-ros:
    • LiDAR模型是定义在代码里的,chunkmap的障碍编码参数也是
    • save_path不为空的话,会尝试保存地图文件到指定路径
  • gd-noros, common-localization-framework, gd-localization:
    • 注意修改参数和数据路径
  • magnum-chunkmap-viz:


  • RoadAtlas-ros:
    • 启动一个LeGO-LOAM
    • roslaunch LidarAtlas run.launch save_path:="......"

reference of code

  • chunkmap & road-atlas(gd) 注释在gd-noros里