
Freespace Reeds-Shepp planner that is an order of magnitude faster than OMPL's implementation with no compromise, no parallelization, and no multi-threading.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Accelerated Reeds-Shepp Planning

Solves the Reeds-Shepp path planning problem 11.5x faster on average than OMPL's implementation.

Paper attachment TBD.

Reduces set of cases to consider down to 21 and introduces a new partition that speeds up the computation of the shortest path.

Requires SFML & OMPL. It has a demo in main.cpp that computes and draws paths between randomly generated start/end configurations.

Also contains an implemntation of "An efficient algorithm to find a shortest path for a car-like robot".

Benchmarking Results

This table presents sample benchmarking results of our proposed planner against OMPL's implementation of the original Reeds-Shepp algorithm and against our implementation of Desaulniers1995.

Performed on idle Linux Intel i9-13980HX.

Method Average Time per State (µs) Time Ratio to OMPL Maximum Path Length Error Average Path Length Error
Proposed 0.106 11.7 1.7e-14 3.31e-16
Desaulniers1995 0.298 4.16 1.76e-14 2.76e-16
OMPL 1.241 1 - -

Table: Benchmarking results of our proposed planner against OMPL's implementation of the original Reeds-Shepp algorithm and against our implementation of Desaulniers1995.

Sample partition in 3D

3D partition of regions in the configuration space. Each color refers to a unique region (out of 21) where one identified path type is certainly the shortest. 1 million configurations $p_{f}$ spanning $\big[ [-100,100,], [-100,100], [-\pi,\pi)\big]$ for $p_{0} = (0,0,0)$ and $r = 20$. Red axis = $x$ axis, blue axis = $y$ axis, yellow axis = $\theta$ axis.
alt text

Variability Based on Types

1e8 final configuration samples spanning $\big[ [-1000,1000,], [-1000,1000], [-\pi,\pi)\big]$ for $p_{0} = (0,0,0)$ and $r = 400$. Average weighted overall speedup of 9.81.

Type Occurrences Speedup
1 6823115 11.9545
2 8680998 15.8642
3 9880886 13.0868
4 7623824 10.9164
5 6739044 10.3029
6 6693750 10.2591
7 792041 8.47368
8 2287595 8.43132
9 552624 7.20518
10 2528582 7.78676
11 1985492 12.5532
12 11731 8.20847
13 7491673 6.54899
14 7419901 8.58719
15 7711509 11.0584
16 8682147 6.06762
17 1116735 6.12062
18 10949425 6.70373
19 138795 5.18895
20 602842 10.489
21 1287291 5.05853

How to Use (to be completed)

Set compiler path if needed, make sure SFML (libsfml-dev) and OMPL libraries are installed, then:
sudo apt install cmake
sudo apt install g++
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Troubleshooting build issues with OMPL:
By default, OMPL installs in /usr/local/include/ompl-1.6/ompl. Create a symbolic link so that it can be properly located:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/include/ompl-1.6/ompl /usr/local/include/ompl
Similarly, create Eigen symbolic links so that required files can be found by OMPL: cd /usr/include
sudo ln -sf eigen3/Eigen Eigen
sudo ln -sf eigen3/unsupported unsupported
After making any changes to the library paths or creating symbolic links, run the ldconfig command to update the system's cache of shared libraries:
sudo ldconfig
After building, you can verify that the required libraries have been properly found using ldd, for example:
ldd ./acceleratedRSPlanner

To use this project, follow these simple steps:

  1. Clone the repository: