A pure-python implementation of the UpSet suite of visualisation methods by Lex, Gehlenborg et al.
- 6
Data input format?
#31 opened by G-kodes - 0
Add Py-Upset to UpSet.App Webpage
#34 opened by alexsb - 1
unsupported pickle protocol: 3 with python 2.7
#23 opened by xie186 - 2
- 0
python3.7 IndexError: GridSpec slice would result in no space allocated for subplot
#32 opened by GrandH2O - 8
Issue with newer version of matplotlib
#22 opened by JenniferShelton - 1
Values instead of exponential
#29 opened by waqarali141 - 0
Bug? Numbers don't seem to add up
#30 opened by PikalaxALT - 4
- 0
Data Set Limit
#28 opened by zaisahil - 0
Is there any limits for input data?I have problems that it is hard to implement when I input more over 20 kinds of data keys.
#27 opened by yonedayuka - 1
IndexError: invalid index
#26 opened by waqarali141 - 0
Can't control any aspect of the output plot!
#24 opened by nickschurch - 2
Input format
#21 opened by MarlaWillemse - 5
import pyupset as pyu
#13 opened by koustubhavachat - 1
How can get the diagram?
#19 opened by mertcansusuz - 0
Bokeh Implementation
#20 opened by sulantha2006 - 1
Module not found error
#12 opened by shefali86 - 0
Barplots misaligned
#18 opened by popher - 1
- 1
- 1
How can I control the scientific notation that appears as labels on the bars?
#17 opened by VincentLa14 - 3
Red and blue dots?
#8 opened by rraadd88 - 0
It would be useful to return the members of the sets
#14 opened by halexand - 2
Extra dots?
#10 opened by marius311 - 2
how to save plot?
#6 opened by zqfang - 1
Add note in matplotlib docs
#3 opened by tacaswell - 3
Python 2 support
#2 opened by agitter - 1
labeling of the intersection matrix
#1 opened by kes1smmn