
Identity histogram plot:

EisenRa opened this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for making this tool, it's super useful to have fragment length, damage, and percentage identity statistics run at the same time!

Regarding the % ID histogram, is it possible to change the X-axis scale?

Also, any idea what's going on in this graph -- looks to be bimodal (latest version of damage profiler).

Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at 2 40 58 pm

Thanks for your feedback!
Currently, it isn't possible to change the x-axis scale, but I can include it in the next version.

Do you analyze ancient, nonUDG-treated samples? If so, I think it makes sense: You have a high number of reads mapping to the reference genome with 100%. And you have a certain number of reads that contain damage. That would explain the peak at 98-99% identity.
If you have modern / UDG-treated samples, you should only see one peak at 100% (depending on the severity of the mapping parameter of course).

Hope this helps (and makes sense).

Changing the x-axis min and max values is included in version 0.4.7