Arduino library to debounce button switches, detect presses, releases, and long presses
- 3
Not immune to noise :(
#33 opened by guillaume-dorczynski - 2
nrf52840 - Serial Crash
#40 opened by HeyBill55 - 4
double_click check
#34 opened by Yembot31013 - 2
Feature request: Compatibility for Arduino Every
#38 opened by dosas - 1
WARNING: library JC_Button claims to run on avr architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on STM32F1 architecture(s).
#37 opened by mayjack0312 - 2
- 1
Just a Thank-you and a fork
#35 opened by Xylopyrographer - 1
- 1
Setup Inputs breaks the code
#29 opened by Sastas - 3
Explicit set to togglebutton
#28 opened by Winfried-Bantel - 8
Detect Simultaneous Events
#26 opened by JacksonAudio - 5
#3 opened by atuline - 7
- 4
- 36
Not working with Nano Every
#23 opened by barnosch - 1
UpDown.ino: Non-working usage of min()/max()...
#22 opened by dl9sec - 7
- 1
Continuous integration / unit tests
#20 opened by s-celles - 1
Simulate physical button press?
#19 opened by trawlerguy - 1
Very minor - extra example req
#18 opened by seachord - 3
- 3
does not work with i2c
#16 opened by ashrafkawasmi - 12
Library manager
#12 opened by s-celles - 2
Doxygen doc published to GitHub page
#10 opened by s-celles - 1
#11 opened by s-celles - 7
Usage notes for ESP8266
#9 opened by bperrybap - 5
SDK update issue
#8 opened by chriscamacho - 5
- 2
#6 opened - 1
Hello Jack Christensen
#5 opened by ludo5959 - 0
ESP Support? Pull-Ups not being enabled
#4 opened by hipotenusa