How to use KITTI-raw data

Lemon-L7 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, recently I've been through your great work, I would like to train the network , but which classes should I to download, you know that, KITTI-raw dataset is too big, so please guide me which classes in KITTI-raw dataset for training. Thanks in advance!

Thanks for your interest! You could refer to this question.

Hi, recently, I had trained net as you teach me, but I met other questions, I want to run the test model, I don't know the data type of test, only point cloud. PNG images or test data still include RGB images .Thanks in advance!

Hi, recently, I had trained net as you teach me, but I met other questions, I want to run the test model, I don't know the data type of test, only point cloud. PNG images or test data still include RGB images .Thanks in advance!

The data type is the same as those for training: RGB + sparse depth (in png format). And the test data is included in test_anonymous folder in KITTI depth dataset.