Example of PX4 offboard control over microdds using python ROS 2
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Issues regarding running the code
#12 opened by robbiewyu - 2
Getting a message type px4_msgs/msg/VehicleStatus is invalid error when trying to echo the topic
#26 opened by maverickk9 - 5
AttributeError: 'VehicleStatus' object has no attribute 'ARMING_STATE_DISARMED'
#27 opened by Adeljc8 - 5
No reaction to launching the demo
#25 opened by felix-muller - 4
Unable to arm in Offboard mode on hardware
#23 opened by tirpudevk111 - 12
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fixed-wing offboard control
#22 opened by gspark87 - 3
uxrce dds pauses intermittently
#21 opened by kyuhyong1 - 13
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ERROR visualizer
#9 opened by kukulinxin - 5
Offboard velocity control
#6 opened by E-Olcay - 34
how to build this pkg?
#3 opened by mengchaoheng - 1
Cannot build the package
#16 opened by fbenti - 1
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Question regarding PX4 version
#14 opened by mamariomiamo - 3
Ros services
#10 opened by ViniciusAbrao - 0
Add resources
#1 opened by Jaeyoung-Lim