
Building pipeline in BioInstaller

anupullanhi opened this issue · 5 comments

Dear All,

How can we build pipeline using BioInstaller after the installation of tools/software?

Using the tools mentioned below

  1. trimmomatic
  2. hisat2
  3. samtools
  4. feature count
  5. DESeq2

I am trying to build a transcriptome pipeline using BioInstaller. There are no manual/ procedure for building pipeline.

Any help regarding this would be appreciated!

Thanks & Regards

Dear Anoopa,

Basic knowledge about Shiny and Shinydashboad may be required.

Then you can follows these steps:

  • Step1: View https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/BioInstaller/vignettes/plugins_of_BioInstaller_shiny.html.
  • Step2: Copy the shiny.easy_project.parameters.toml in ~/.bioshiny/plugins and rename a new plugin (e.g. shiny.my_plugin.parameters.toml).
  • Step3: Global replace easy_project to your plugin name in the new plugin file.
  • Step4: Add e.g. system('/path/pipeline.R -i va1 -c var2') or any R code in the rcmd_last field.
  • Step5: Enable your plugin in ~/.bioshiny/shiny.config.yaml:
      - easy_project
      - CEMiTool
      - annovarR
      - annovar
      - vcfanno
      - your_plugin_name

varname values can be used in the rcmd_last commands.

varname = ["project_name", "parent_dir"]

Besides, input_id is associated with varname and type, and the type can be used to automaticly generate the UI.

input_id = ["input_project_name", "input_parent_dir"]
type = ["shiny::textInput", "shiny::textInput"]

More plugins see https://github.com/openbiox/bioshiny/tree/master/src/bioshiny/inst/extdata/config.

Dear Miachol,

Thank you so much Miachol. Can you please email (anu.pullanhi@gmail.com) any pipeline.R script for more clarity.

Thanks & Regards


Any R code is ok.

One of the key points is that all output files in sprintf("%s/output/%s", dirname(config$shiny_db$db_path), qqkey) will be saved to the database that you can view or download these files in the dashboard page via task character key.

Best wishes.

Hello Jianfeng,

Thank you for the instructions and helping us with pipeline scripts. We are able to create pipeline and we have few queries regarding running the pipeline.

Once we submit pipeline in Pipeline module, how to take submitted inputs and run our pipeline in backend and show the progress in front end. Our pipeline is for transcriptome analysis and we are not able to send the inputs to the script.
This is the link for the Bioshiny app we created -
Also, what is the function of rcmd_last
