- 📍 London Based
- 📅 Start of Training : 15/06/2020
- 📆 End of Training : 28/06/2020
- 🌀 Junior DevOp Engineer
- 🏆 1st Class in Computing with Games Development
- 📓 Training Notes
- ⚡ Fun Fact : I have an almost unhealthy obsession with Japanese Culture. 🏯
- Week One - Business Week
- Week Two - SQL
- Week Three - Python
- Week Four - Python Continued
- Week Five - Python Airport Project
- Week Six - Quality Gate and Interviews
- Week Seven - DevOps Begins | Linux with Virtual Machines, Vagrant and Ruby Scripting
- Week Eight - DevOps Continued | CICD Pipeline, Jenkins and AWS
- Week Nine - DevOps In-depth | Amazon Web Service, VPC, Networking and N-Tier Architecture
- Week Ten - Infrastructure as Code | IAC with Ansible, Provision orchestration with Terraform, Hybrid Cloud, Route 53, Scalability and Load Balancing
- Week Eleven - Containerisation | with Docker and orchestration theory with Kubernetes. Quality gates.. and E2E CICD Pipeline
- Week Twelve - Graduation Project |