
This is a GitHub Directory to facilitate the material, notes and programming that has been done during my DevOp Training at SpartaGlobal.

Primary LanguagePython

Hi, I am John Byrne a Junior DevOps Engineer at Sparta Global

Github Trello Linkedin Instagram Gmail Outlook SpartaGlobal


Personal Information:


  • 📍 London Based
  • 📅 Start of Training : 15/06/2020
  • 📆 End of Training : 28/06/2020
  • 🌀 Junior DevOp Engineer
  • 🏆 1st Class in Computing with Games Development
  • 📓 Training Notes
  • Fun Fact : I have an almost unhealthy obsession with Japanese Culture. 🏯



Course Road Map:

  • Week One - Business Week
  • Week Two - SQL
  • Week Three - Python
  • Week Four - Python Continued
  • Week Five - Python Airport Project
  • Week Six - Quality Gate and Interviews
  • Week Seven - DevOps Begins | Linux with Virtual Machines, Vagrant and Ruby Scripting
  • Week Eight - DevOps Continued | CICD Pipeline, Jenkins and AWS
  • Week Nine - DevOps In-depth | Amazon Web Service, VPC, Networking and N-Tier Architecture
  • Week Ten - Infrastructure as Code | IAC with Ansible, Provision orchestration with Terraform, Hybrid Cloud, Route 53, Scalability and Load Balancing
  • Week Eleven - Containerisation | with Docker and orchestration theory with Kubernetes. Quality gates.. and E2E CICD Pipeline
  • Week Twelve - Graduation Project |

Technical Skills

HTML5 Bootstrap CSS JS PHP Flask .NET

Python CSharp C++ MYSQL MSSQL Vagrant Ruby Git OracleVM Linux Ubuntu Jenkins AWS Ansible Terraform Docker

Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft powerpoint Microsoft Teams Microsoft One Drive Microsoft VisualStudio

Johns's github stats


My Repositories

4 Pillars of OOP | Flask | SQL | TDD | Unit Testing | API

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Virtual Machines | AWS | Jenkins | Vagrant

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Networking | VPC | EC2 | Ansible | Terraform

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