
Everquest crashes when loading some zones

jporterf opened this issue · 15 comments

GPU: GeForce GT 710
Driver Version: 435.24.02
Wine version: 4.17.r7.g042a633c ( TkG Staging Esync Fsync )
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz

When loading some zones, the game crashes with d9vk installed. It works fine (if glacially slowly) without it.

I couldn't upload the apitrace (too big), so it's here:


Can you upload this somewhere else?

Its currently downloading at 30kb/s

Apologies for the slow link

Trace doesn't crash here. Are you going to the zones that crash for you?

Yes, the character I'm logging in to is in a zone that crashes.

Would you be able to create a trace made with D9VK at the same time?

That was with d9vk, I looked at the trace with qapitrace and it shows the second to last call as "465312 @0 IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture(this = 0x20b10cc0, Width = 512, Height = 512, Levels = 10, Usage = 0x0, Format = D3DFMT_R8G8B8, Pool = D3DPOOL_SCRATCH, ppTexture = ?, pSharedHandle = ?) = D3DERR_INVALIDCALL" So I'm wondering if the crash is an attempt to access a texture that doesn't actually exist.

Can you try spoofing AMD using d3d9.customVendorId?

Setting d3d9.customVendorId to 1002 does the same thing.

Interesting, it's wanting a D3DPOOL_SCRATCH of R8G8B8.

I think I see what I have to do, although it's mildly annoying. :P

Can you please try with this?

This does allow me to load, but the ground textures are missing/strange/black.


HI that posted d3d9.dll allows me to login on zones that previously crashed

This has been in master forever