- 3
Larger file size with compression than without
#625 opened by jbrea - 0
Update documents on JLD2DebugTools
#624 opened by qwjyh - 9
`type does not exist in workspace; reconstructing ...` when loading interpolant from scratchspace new on 1.11 vs. 1.10
#610 opened by 70Gage70 - 2
World age issue when dynamically loading CodecZlib
#623 opened by kbarros - 4
InexactError: convert(UInt32, -1761558062)
#619 opened by tpapp - 2
Regression in serializing + deserializing union vectors introduced in 0.5.6
#617 opened by KristofferC - 4
- 4
Issues with update from 0.5.5 to 0.5.6
#611 opened by moyner - 3
fix ambiguous methods
#606 opened by dpinol - 5
Memory leak for large files
#605 opened by lassepe - 1
Failure to precompile on julia 1.11 - MethodError: no method matching resize!(::Memory{UInt8}, ::Int64)
#608 opened by IanButterworth - 5
JLD2 writes zeros to first 3440 bytes in file
#533 opened by tiagopereira - 3
- 2
- 3
UndefRefError: access to undefined reference
#601 opened by SamuelBadr - 5
- 1
`save_object` can no longer serialize functions
#596 opened by lassepe - 1
- 9
- 10
Optional plain HDF5 data mapping without reconstruction of data source type
#505 opened by koehlerson - 0
Add flag to disallow committing structs
#541 opened by JonasIsensee - 1
multithreaded save error on 0.4.51
#583 opened by takbal - 0
Unicode normalization is slow
#566 opened by JonasIsensee - 2
Error when saving `@snoopi_deep` results
#574 opened by theogf - 0
Error loading vararg tuples
#571 opened by alyst - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
Saving/Reloading a struct with more than 255 fields leads to a "missing field" warning & corrupted loads
#558 opened by ChristianBayerEcon - 2
Manually flush written data to file
#555 opened by jebej - 2
- 3
Out of disk space throws generic Bus Error
#507 opened by ejmeitz - 5
File created with earlier JLD2 version can't be opened with version 0.4.38 or later
#549 opened by yha - 1
JLD2 is failed to precompile on the latest nightly
#550 opened by bvdmitri - 5
File saved in Julia 1.10.0-beta3 cannot be loaded in Julia 1.10.0-rc1 with Random.Xoshiro
#503 opened by liuyxpp - 2
- 0
Reconstruction of UnionAll type parameters
#538 opened by lhupe - 1
Error loading file saved with v0.4.41 on v0.4.43
#532 opened by jishnub - 6
Possible bug with version 0.4.42
#529 opened by JordiManyer - 1
- 1
- 3
[Feature request] `save(file, x)` and `load(file)`
#495 opened by Vilin97 - 2
jldopen(filename, "w";) will fail in win7
#508 opened by HongBinYu-hub - 2
Saving vector of dictionaries initialized as #undef gives "This should not have happened"
#510 opened by Dale-Muccignat - 4
- 3
- 2
Don't map back to Julia composite type
#504 opened by koehlerson - 0
Julia compat needs fixing in General
#490 opened by IanButterworth - 1
- 4
Deserializing LRUCache.LRU breaks in v0.4.37
#497 opened by justinmimbs