
A curated list of high-quality docs/modules/configs for StumpWM

MIT LicenseMIT

Awesome StumpWM

A curated list of high-quality docs/modules/configs for StumpWM.




  • contrib - A collection of StumpWM modules
  • tslight/stumpwm - A collection of StumpWM modules from Toby Slight
  • weather - Displays weather in the modeline
  • rofi - StumpWM rofi integration
  • dmenu - StumpWM dmenu integration
  • battery - Battery information module for StumpWM
  • pamixer - Pulseaudio volume and microphone control module
  • wpctl - PipeWire volume and microphone control module
  • kbdd - Per window XKB layout switcher module
  • tomato - Advanced Pomodoro timer module for StumpWM
  • scratchpads - Toggleable windows module
  • xft-fix - stumpwm xft module fix for clearing cache
  • acpi-backlight - ACPI backlight control module
  • auto-suspend - Module auto suspends the computer when the battery capacity is low.
  • window-switch - Windows switch module
  • udisks - Disk manager module
  • screenshot-maim - Screenshot module
  • sndioctl - Control sndioctl module
  • grid - Desktop Grid module
  • zbucium - interface for the zbucium last.fm music player
  • kdb-brightness - Adjust keyboard brightness module
  • stumpbuffer - An IBuffer inspired tool to control Stumpwm from Emacs
  • power - Power managment and suspend on laptop lid close
  • stumpd - Module for interacting with MPD
  • cmus - Module for interfacing with the cmus music player
  • nuclear - Nuclear music player module
  • pomo - module for keeping track of Pomodoro sessions
  • mullvad - Mullvad VPN integration module




  • stumpish - the StumpWM Interactive SHell (included in StumpWM)
  • StumpWM IPC - A simple IPC server for StumpWM

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