- alexbwGoogle
- andrewssobralActiveeon
- beenfrog
- bobbensWaseda University
- bshillingford
- ccurroEstee Lauder, The Cooper Union
- chinakook
- daokouershanghai
- dasguptarMicrosoft AI and Research
- dexter1691Georgia Tech
- DigoCarnegie Mellon University
- eriche2016HUST
- fabiofumarolaDataToKnowledge
- ffmpbgrnn
- forwchenMeituan
- gcrGoogle AI
- he0x
- iassaelGoogle DeepMind
- ikostrikovUC Berkeley
- jfsantos@NVIDIA
- jhjin
- jundengdengMunich, Germany
- lantigaLightning AI
- madisonmay@IndicoDataSolutions
- melgorBLCV
- mqtlam
- nicholas-leonardExpedia Group
- pakozmVeridas
- PhilippPelzFAU Erlangen-Nuernberg
- qas32
- richardhahahahaZKTeco
- skaaeCopenhagen
- szagoruykoMTS AI
- WarvitoKing's College London
- willwilliams