WandDB project (can be unavailable in the future)
WandDB report (can be unavailable in the future)
You can download a trained model from the model registry.
- Python 3.8 or higher.
- CUDA 11.3 or higher
pip install -r ./requirements.torch.gpu.txt
pip install -r ./requirements.cpu.txt -r ./requirements.base.txt
pip install -r ./requirements.torch.gpu.txt
pip install -r ./requirements.gpu.txt -r ./requirements.base.txt
Only for presentation.ipynb
pip install -r requirements.add.txt
dvc repro pipelines/simple_shapes/dvc.yaml:train
dvc repro pipelines/modelnet10/dvc.yaml:train
dvc repro pipelines/modelnet40/dvc.yaml:train
- Download dataset here
- Run:
python ./preprocess_partnet.py --data_dir <data_dir> --out_dir <where_to_store_processed>
- Edit: partnet.yaml. Set
to the<where_to_store_processed>
- Run:
dvc repro pipelines/partnet/dvc.yaml:train