
RQT plugin for Multi-UAV & Human Odometry experiment control, visualization, data recording and diagnostics

Primary LanguagePython

Borealis Experiment Dashboard

Borealis Project Diagnostic Dashboard RQT Plugin

Install script for dependencies available(setup.bash), ensure the workspace used is borealis_ws for successful automatic install

Teaming Specific Branch

Implemented display for planner stages


  • ROS

  • Python

  • QT5

  • uwb_msgs (Custom Message Type)

  • pose_to_path (Fused Odometry visualization package)

  • borealis_uav_target_publisher (Human odometry to UAV Target conversion package)

  • mt_msgs (dso custom msgs it is inside src folder)

  • re (regex, inside default python lib)


 pip install PyQt5
 catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps borealis_dashboard


 rqt --standalone borealis_dashboard

Subscribed Topics

These topics should be configured in the parameters.yaml file inside config folder

  • human_foot_imu_topic : sensor_msgs/IMU
  • human_odometry_topic : nav_msgs/Odometry
  • uav1_odometry_topic : nav_msgs/Odometry
  • uav1_target_topic : nav_msgs/Odometry
  • uav2_odometry_topic : nav_msgs/Odometry
  • uav2_target_topic : nav_msgs/Odometry
  • human_uwb_topic : UUBmsg
  • uav2_uwb_topic : UUBmsg
  • uav1_uwb_topic : UUBmsg
  • command_topic: std_msgs/String

Service Clients

These services should be configured in the parameters.yaml file inside config folder

  • human_odometry_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
  • human_odometry_fusion_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
  • human_glove_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
  • human_gun_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
  • human_hri_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
  • human_drone_yaw_control_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
  • human_uwb_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
  • uav1_uwb_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
  • uav1_datafeed_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
  • uav2_uwb_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
  • uav2_datafeed_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool

Published Topics

  • command_topic: std_msgs/String


  • recorded_topics : String List (List of topics to be recorded)
  • saved_directory : Path (ROS Bag saving directory)
  • follow_me_cmd : String
  • go_cmd : String


Before running the dashboard, make sure you configure the "recorded_topics" and "saved_directory" parameters in config/parameters.yaml file. These parameters relate to the rosbag recording for the experiment.