Radio-Millimeter-Submillimeter (RMS) Interferometry-Community-Software

Curated list of interferometric software, methods and techniques

This list was developed during the 2024 Spatio-spectral Modeling for Interferometric Data Workshop (

Learning how to contribute and using git/github? See the list of resources at the bottom of this list!

Visibility Handling



  • radio-astro-tools -- spectral-cube, radio-beam, pvextractor, casa-formats-io
  • bettermoments -- moment map making, including improved line center methods
  • eddy -- rotation map fitting (protoplanetary disks)
  • gofish --Stack line emission leveraging known structure of a system (protoplanetary disks)
  • velocity_tools -calculation of Keplerian rotation velocity map -deprojection of relative coordinates for a given inclination and rotation angles and an arbitrary center -calculation of velocity gradient, assuming solid velocity rotation
  • disksurf - Measure the molecular emission surface of protoplanetary disks
  • FERIA - Flat Envelope model with Rotation and Infall under Angular momentum conservation
  • keplerian_mask - Make a Keplerian mask for CLEANing with CASA.
  • KeplerFit - A small piece of code to fit a Keplerian velocity distribution model to position-velocity data. *Developer is no longer working in astronomy
  • GALARIO - uses GPUs to speed up the computation of the synthetic visibilities given a model image (or an axisymmetric brightness profile) and their comparison to the observations. *Developer is no longer working in astronomy
  • discminer

Methods, Techniques, and Tutorials


  • CARTA - Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy: a next-generation image visualization and analysis tool designed for ALMA, VLA, and SKA pathfinders.
  • friendlyVRI -- simulate what a provided image will look like to in the `eyes' of an interferometer and its possible configurations

Contributing to this list

  • Introduction to version control in Git for scientists -- a nice little blog post with the basics how-to for git. Explains basic git terms and how version control works - with visuals!

  • git resources via astropy

  • Pull request workflow overview

    1. Make your own fork of this repository: image
    2. Add new entries to the list, either on your own machine (make a local clone), or directly on github by pressing the pencil on the upper-right of the README file: image
    3. Commit your new entries to your forked repository: image
    4. Create a new pull request (PR) from your fork to the main branch: image
    5. After the PR is merged into the main repository, update your forked repository before adding new entries. Use the "Sync fork" button here: image