
😎 curated list of photonics projects

Photonic open source projects

If you are new to Git and Python I reccommend reading this article Most tools in this list are written or have a python interface, which require some basic knowledge of python. If you are new to python you can find many books, youTube videos and courses available online.

Layout: define the geometrical shapes that guide the light.

Simulation: simulate how photons propagate, and optimize the geometrical shapes

Control instruments in the lab

PyVISA allows you to control the lab instruments with python. As the backend you can use NI or PyVISA-py

Data analysis

Tools summary

Here is a summary of the tools I use for Silicon Photonics design

Purpose Tool
Layout generator gdsfactory
Layout viewer klayout
Mode solver modes and mpb
circuit simulation (photonics) simphony
lab instrumentation lightlab


System admin
