ROS Noetic support
fcladera opened this issue · 5 comments
seems to be failing on Noetic:
Termination: CONVERGENCE (Function tolerance reached. |cost_change|/cost: 1.557614e-13 <= 1.000000e-12)
[ INFO] [1627162181.284741213]: writing calibration to /home/dcist/autonomy-ws/src/autonomy_stack/calibration/multicam_calibration/calib/example/./ovc-2021-07-24-17-29-41.yaml
[ERROR] [1627162181.294380799]: Exception thrown while processing service call: OpenCV(4.2.0) ../modules/core/src/matmul.dispatch.cpp:337: error: (-215:Assertion failed) type == B.type() in function 'gemm'
I'll try to fix it, but if you have any clues it would be greatly appreciated.
Hmm. I thought I had run it on noetic before. I assume you are running Ubuntu 20.04. Can you upload the yaml files and the bag to e.g. google drive?
I confirm that it is an issue on our side. Let me take a look into our yaml.
There rarely is an issue on your side that nobody else will hit. The error message certainly doesn't point straightforwardly to what's wrong. So if you an just add briefly what caused the problem, even if (and particularly if) it's somewhat embarrassing, that would be great :)
Yes, sorry! I will update this issue once we get access to the quad tomorrow 👍 Thanks for your help @berndpfrommer!