
推力矢量可倾转多旋翼Gazebo仿真:PID ADRC

Primary LanguageC++


VFly 是基于Gazebo的 推力矢量可倾转多旋翼仿真ROS功能包。
VFly is a ROS package of thrust-vectored MAV with tiltable rotors gazebo simulator.

This package provides a model of quadrotor with tiltable rotors, example omni-direction controller based on PID and ADRC, and example launch files.

If you are using this simulator within the research for your publication, please cite:

LU Kaiwen, YANG Zhong, ZHANG Qiuyan. Active disturbance rejection flight control method for thrust-vectored quadrotor with tiltable rotors. Control Theory & Applications


  1. 本功能包使用了RotorS的部分Gazebo插件,在使用之前需要安装RotorS。

    Note 如果在安装RotorS 过程中遇到问题,欢迎交流.

  2. 获取功能包和依赖

    $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    $ git clone https://github.com/LLlkaiwen/vfly.git
    $ git clone https://github.com/LLlkaiwen/adrc_control.git
  3. 构建你的工作空间

    $ cd ~/catkin_ws/
    $ catkin init  # If you haven't done this before.
    $ catkin build / catkin_make 


  1. 启动Gazebo仿真("x"构型的VFly)

    $ roslaunch vfly mav.launch mav_name:=vfly type:=x
  2. 启动全向控制器

    $ roslaunch vfly omni_pid_controller.launch mav_name:=vfly type:=x

    Note 控制器会控制VFly以水平姿态悬停在3m的高度.

    当然,你也可以启动ADRC全向控制器 (PID和ADRC二选一)

    $ roslaunch vfly omni_adrc_controller.launch mav_name:=vfly type:=x
  3. 发送控制指令

    • 水平飞行(以当前状态水平悬停在3m处为例)
    rostopic pub -1 /vfly/command/pose vfly/vfly_pose "header:
    seq: 0
    stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0}
    frame_id: ''
    x: 3.0
    y: 3.0
    z: 3.0
    roll: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0" 

    Note 你可以在输入rostopic pub -1 /vfly/command/pose后,按两次Tab键自动补全后面的内容,然后修改其中的姿态和位置期望。

    • 定点旋转(以当前状态水平悬停在3m处为例)
    rostopic pub -1 /vfly/command/pose vfly/vfly_pose "header:
    seq: 0
    stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0}
    frame_id: ''
    x: 0.0
    y: 0.0
    z: 3.0
    roll: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0" 

    Note 你可以同时给定姿态和位置期望,因为可倾转多旋翼有别于常规多旋翼,可以同时控制姿态和位置。

  4. 查看位置姿态响应曲线

    $ rqt_plot /vfly/ground_truth/position/point /vfly/state/roll /vfly/state/pitch /vfly/state/yaw