njtech digital design. a fpga digital alarm system with Nexys A7 100T
- 2398306781
- Apostle-lemon
- B1ueObserverCJLU
- bochimanBeijing, China
- cangzhetouxiao
- cheng-explorer
- dylan20206220Northeastern University
- EliteguoHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- ganyunhanSoC Group of ASIC, South East University
- hsdshd
- hunter881
- kriswu2021
- LeiWang1999Institute of Computing Technology, UCAS
- lhg25353411
- linksverilog
- mitoksimCalifornia
- MrCappuccinochina
- muyangren-1
- qingqqq123
- S-Javaid17Toronto
- Sanshi6
- StarrynightzyqInstitute of RF & OE ICs, SEU
- Suedongchu
- swightLee
- tangxifan
- tongjiaxuan666Harbin Institute of Technology
- Verilog-HDL
- WEasonwww
- wzyious
- xfwduke
- xiandjdkdkdk
- xjianlinye
- Xoungyoo
- yuuuuuuanNanchang University
- ZhuZhuXiahaha
- zyzhahaha