Layoutit grid is a CSS Grid layout generator. Quickly draw down web pages layouts with our clean editor, and get HTML and CSS code to quickstart your next project.
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Add keyboard shortcuts to grid
#70 opened by erickgomez28 - 0
- 0
Feature request: add flexbox into each grid
#114 opened by flaneurette - 0
Problem with AI dashboard
#113 opened by Zouhir-ZT - 0
Add subgrid support
#112 opened by aolko - 0
- 0
Add Color Picker to colorize the grids
#110 opened by issam-seghir - 0
Allow resizing of sidebars
#55 opened by patak-dev - 0
page breaks when adding "#"
#102 opened by EnetoJara - 1
Reverse engineering
#101 opened by leomayer - 1
Button - tooltips or title
#100 opened by leomayer - 0
Line feed in sub-components
#99 opened by leomayer - 2
Changes of width are not transferred to CSS
#97 opened by leomayer - 1
Sizes go back to defaults
#98 opened by bartrylant - 4
- 0
Doesn't work on Firefox ESR (M1 Mac) for me
#95 opened by architchandra - 11
Reset button
#91 opened by ghostdevv - 0
Improve Grid Placement pickers
#92 opened by patak-dev - 5
- 9
Uncaught ReferenceError: ref is not defined
#89 opened by RdeWilde - 3
Publish to npmjs
#88 opened by RdeWilde - 6
I can not scroll the grid section to view the third row when I expanded 1200px for a grid row
#68 opened by gusbemacbe - 0
Import existing grid
#79 opened by Nisgrak - 2
Area name should be editable in the html editor
#35 opened by patak-dev - 0
Replace sass with PostCSS
#67 opened by patak-dev - 2
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paste in existing grid-template-areas "header header header", etc to generate IE 10 / IE 11 legacy grid specs
#66 opened by overtheover - 0
[Feature Request
#63 opened by karatetoes - 0
Review area name validation
#21 opened by patak-dev - 4
Allow moving/extending grid areas
#61 opened by FrankySnow - 0
Unexpected behavior when using tabs
#62 opened by danilenar - 0
Customize scroll bars in the CodeViews
#30 opened by patak-dev - 0
Highlight tracks on hover
#41 opened by patak-dev - 2
api-save- recovery
#57 opened by adyuebanwan - 0
vueuse vs vue-composable
#27 opened by patak-dev - 0
Refactor grid lines into a GridTrack component
#31 opened by patak-dev - 0
Allow selection area to go over other areas
#34 opened by patak-dev - 0
Add Essential Social Media HTML Tags to <head> for improved social media presence
#26 opened by gemanepa - 0
Grid lines should not overflow main grid container while dragging
#44 opened by agustin-capeletto-lenio - 2
Properly setup eslint and prettier with vite
#48 opened by patak-dev - 1
Grid Gap should be editable from the CSS Code
#19 opened by patak-dev - 7
Add copy to clipboard button in code views
#33 opened by patak-dev - 3
Selecting "auto" leads to wrong css
#43 opened by amaury-hanser - 1
Switch to a new Icons set
#22 opened by patak-dev - 1
Add Github ribbon in the tool
#20 opened by patak-dev - 2
When dragging a grid line the affected units combo in the sidebar should be highlighted
#36 opened by patak-dev - 2
Please add e2e/functional test
#24 opened by centrodph