PyTorch implementation of CloudWalk's recent paper DenseBody.
Note: For most recent updates, please check out the dev
Update on 20190613 A toy dataset has been released to facilitate the reproduction of this project. checkout
for details.
Update on 20190826 A pre-trained model (Encoder/Decoder) has been released to facilitate the reproduction of this project.
Here is the reproduction result (left: input image; middle: ground truth UV position map; right: estimated UV position map)
- SMPL official UV map is now supported! Please checkout
for details. - Code reformating complete! Please refer to
for more details. - Thanks Raj Advani for providing new hand crafted UV maps!
Please follow the instructions
to prepare your training dataset and UV maps. Then run
to begin training.
To train with your own UV map, checkout
for detailed instructions.
To explore different network architectures, checkout
for detailed instructions.
Creating ground truth UV position maps for Human36m dataset.
- 20190329 Finish UV data processing.
- 20190331 Align SMPL mesh with input image.
- 20190404 Data washing: Image resize to 256*256 and 2D annotation compensation.
- 20190411 Generate and save UV position map.
- radvani Hand parsed new 3D UV data
- Validity checked with minor artifacts (see results below)
- Making UV_map generation module a separate class.
- 20190413 Prepare ground truth UV maps for washed dataset.
- 20190417 SMPL official UV map supported!
- 20190613 A testing toy dataset has been released!
Prepare baseline model training
Lingbo Yang(Lotayou): The owner and maintainer of this repo.
Raj Advani(radvani): Provide several hand-crafted UV maps and many constructive feedbacks.
Please consider citing the following paper if you find this project useful.
DenseBody: Directly Regressing Dense 3D Human Pose and Shape From a Single Color Image
The network training part is inspired by BicycleGAN