Reinforcement Learning environments for Traffic Signal Control with SUMO. Compatible with Gymnasium, PettingZoo, and popular RL libraries.
- 7
ValueError: The two structures don't have the same nested structure. when python experiments/
#179 opened by lie12huo - 2
Observation space for 4x4
#216 opened by deltag0 - 1
Returning image as state
#215 opened by deltag0 - 1
Baseline approach for different maps
#212 opened by Tarster - 2
Error implementing code
#205 opened by Kunal-Kumar-Sahoo - 0
One agent - Multiple traffic lights
#206 opened by davidsgonza - 3
Getting NaN for env_runners/episode_len_mean
#211 opened by Tarster - 1
- 5
Why delta_time should be greater than yellow time?
#196 opened by jackli100 - 1
Design a restriction so that one phase can only occur immediately after a specified phase.
#208 opened by jackli100 - 5
Plotting Errors
#181 opened by prajwalvinod - 2
state\reward design
#203 opened by Aegis1863 - 5
- 5
Deploy independent model on the network
#202 opened by Kunal-Kumar-Sahoo - 2
envionment checking
#200 opened by wkkdhj - 1
Continuous action control
#201 opened by Aegis1863 - 6
RESCO benchmark has no cars
#199 opened by MelihDarcanxyz - 1
Error: tcpip::Socket::accept() Unable to create listening socket: Address already in use Quitting (on error).
#198 opened by FanFan2021 - 2
Hello, Lucas, I want to find and run your a3c 4*4grid project, but I did not find this project in your experiment. Could you please share this project again? I hope you can answer it as soon as possible, thank you
#192 opened by dalianmeier - 2
Applying fixed time control to SumoEnvironmentPZ class
#197 opened by Loveen01 - 1
Cannot load DQN model
#195 opened by fqidz - 1
How to save the model after training?
#187 opened by Cuphadi - 2
How to save and reload the environment?
#188 opened by raphaelstraub - 2
running error on
#190 opened by FanFan2021 - 2
What is the meaning of doing encode(state, ts_id) operations even though we have paired the state into a list?
#186 opened by Gavin-Tao - 1
issues about the reward
#189 opened by way-thu - 3
- 0
Two logic after executing setRedYellowGreenState
#185 opened by Gavin-Tao - 3
More phases generated by _build_phases() when running
#184 opened by Gavin-Tao - 8
QL Agent not running properly
#182 opened by prajwalvinod - 1
How can I save my trained model?
#183 opened by locker2153 - 1
- 9
Acquiring data from Python to CSV
#157 opened by prajwalvinod - 5
Trouble with Action Space description
#175 opened by prajwalvinod - 1
Connection closed by SUMO
#167 opened by way-thu - 2
change 4*4 grid to 8*8 grid, can't work.
#180 opened by FanFan2021 - 2
sth wrong when running
#171 opened by 1486402863 - 2
any implement for car following?
#178 opened by laoyouf - 3
- 9
The Total waiting time of my system is constantly increasing!! (in the csv, I saved with the method save_csv())
#173 opened by Namasivaayam-L - 2
How to generate grid nxn environment?
#177 opened by FanFan2021 - 0
Definition of observation space
#174 opened by locker2153 - 1
- 3
Connection closed by SUMO
#160 opened by SeasonedLeo - 2
Assignment of action numbers of traffic signals
#165 opened by TGW795 - 4
ObservationFunction changes not applied
#164 opened by TGW795 - 3
Lane identifiers corresponding to observations
#162 opened by miked131 - 4
Understanding and the experiments
#163 opened by rohitrajgopalan - 2
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