
Mismatched frame_id in bag files

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for sharing your work!
I downloaded the Campus-Outdoor data but found that the bag files contain mismatched frame_id for color/depth/infra frames. It's strange that every frame_id seems to start with "acl_jackal2". But frame_ids in different files should have started with their own file names like hathor/thoth. Is this a mistake or I missed something?
The command I used is like:

rostopic echo /acl_jackal/forward/color/image_raw/compressed -b ~/bags/10_14_acl_jackal.bag --noarr
yunzc commented

Hi. The Campus-Outdoor dataset was collected on a single robot that we post-process for our multi-robot experiments, hence the frame-id problem. The other two datasets are collected on 8 Jackals, and should not have that issue. Specifically, the Campus-Tunnels dataset consist of sequences from the same experimental run, while for the Campus-Hybrid datasets, the sparkal2 and hathor sequence was taken from different runs (due to hardware and battery issues).

Hope this helped.

I understand. Thank you!